Content that makes the case for digital transformation


As a top provider of industrial software solutions and technology consulting, AVEVA (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Schneider Electric) sets the digital transformation agenda for entire industries. And their clear, compelling content that shines a light on the Fourth Industrial Revolution helps clients and prospects turn that agenda into action.

VERDINO partnered with market research experts Vanson Bourne to survey business leaders across AVEVA’s target verticals in 21 countries around the world. We drew on the data to glean insights and paint a vivid picture of the current state of digitalization across the process plant industries, identify key opportunities and obstacles, and map a straightforward course of action.

We brought the findings and recommendations to life through a straightforward narrative, plenty of charts, and on-brand design.

And then we added a bit of VERDINO secret sauce. Greg, who is a top global speaker on digital transformation, had just delivered the opening keynote at AVEVA’s customer conference. The client asked Greg to be a named contributor to the report and write the introduction that would set the stage for the entire story. He was more than happy to oblige. 🙂