The Point
Highlights from My #IntelContent Talk
Last week, I had the pleasure of speaking at the eighth annual (and newly revamped) Intelligent Content Conference. I spoke about “The Untethered World”, or how content strategists and content marketers can prepare for a world beyond mobile. Attendees have access to my full presentation slides and video, but I
5 Ways Your Content Makes Your Audience Say “Huh?”
We all know someone who can talk a mile a minute and bounce from topic to topic like lightning and then reintroduce a topic they mentioned an hour ago without skipping a beat. There they are, on a roll, talking about three unrelated things at once, and you’re passively nodding
Content Strategy Confusion: “I Don’t Know” Really Means “No”
We were recently speaking with a prospective client — a product marketer inside a larger marketing organization — about some content creation projects, and asked him whether his company already has an enterprise-wide content strategy in place (the first of our 10 key questions about content strategy). After all, when
Year in Review: Our Popular Posts from 2015
Our readers know we try to highlight some of our favorite reads just about every week. With the holidays upon us and the year winding to a close, we figured we’d take a look back at a year’s worth of blogging. Here are six of our own most popular content
Running a Content Consultancy: The Tools We Can’t Work Without
While there’s an endless supply of articles and posts about what it takes to be a good content strategist or content marketer, and an agency creating content around every corner, there seems to be a notable shortage of articles about what it takes to run a content company. Now, we’re
Tales from the Turkey Table
Thanksgiving has been my favorite holiday for as long as I can remember. As a kid, I loved smelling everything cooking in the kitchen, hoping I’d be drafted as a taste-tester when the job became available (mmm, mashed potatoes). I loved having family gather at our house (or heading over
See Me Speak: 2016 Intelligent Content Conference
It’s been five years since I’ve spoken at a “content conference.” Back in 2010, I presented at the Custom Content Conference, weaving ideas from my micro-content book microMARKETING into a speech for the very first time. That’s also where I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Content Marketing himself, Joe Pulizzi,
Strategy Is Change
As I write this in mid-November, a great majority of organizations are engaged in the curious annual ritual known as “strategic planning” — the often rote process by which forecasts are honed, spreadsheets cells populated, templates turned into documents designed to guide a year’s worth of activity. If this sounds
If Content is the Answer, then What’s the Question?
In early 2007, I wrote a piece for Mediapost about the need for brand marketers to become video content makers. It began, There’s an old advertising joke that goes like this: “The answer is a 30-second spot. Now, what’s the question?” Fast forward eight years and you could make a similar
The #1 Thing Marketers Must Know About the #1 Thing They Should Never Do
As a marketer, the list of things you “must do” is short — so short that it contains exactly zero items. You wouldn’t know this, though, if you were to tally the sheer number of “must do” blog posts, articles, white papers, infographics and thought leadership pieces being churned out